
According to Stuart McAllister, “Comfort and convenience as values and a vision become the defining reality for many people’s lives.” But what do we do with the notion that we can’t have Christ on our own terms? As our Lord soberly tells us: “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. (Matt 16:24)” It goes without saying that this is hardly an invitation to a carefree life of comfort and convenience. Taking up one’s cross is thus a fundamentally countercultural pursuit. How do we resist the siren song of comfort and ease that surrounds us? In this new teaching series, Stuart explores that question under the heading of “inconvenient truths.” Each video offers a concise exploration of the fine texture of Christian living. These videos are ideal for a Sunday School series, a small group study, or an apologetics class. It’s our hope and prayer at Thinking Out Loud that they will play a small part in strengthening the local church.

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