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Cameron McAllister
Topics: Cultural Engagement, Apologetics, Discipleship, the Problem of Evil and Suffering
Talk Titles: Cultivating Lasting Faith in Our Homes, How to Disagree Without Becoming Enemies, Confronting Hypocrisy in the Church, The Centrality of Imagination, What is Cultural Apologetics?, Owning Evil: Recognizing Our Part in the Problem of Evil, Leading a Transformed Life, Bridging the Gap Between Discipleship and Apologetics
Nathan Rittenhouse
Topics: Faith and Science, Biblical interpretation, Applied theology, Church life and health
Talk Titles: Union with Christ, Concepts of Christianity and Cultural Engagement, Is Climate Justice Possible?, Ethical Implications of the Resurrection, Can Faith and Science Coexist?, Is Tolerance the Best We Can Do?
Stuart McAllister
Topics: Lordship and Service, The Nature and call of Mission, Seeking truth in a relativistic era, Wisdom to walk by, Beauty and the call of desire. Lessons on life from History.
Talk Titles : Whose Freedom? Which Liberty? , Why Jesus? , The cost of Discipleship. Understanding as an essential bridge in communication. Seeking the meaning of Biblical love.