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  • Cameron McAllister

    Topics: Cultural Engagement, Apologetics, Discipleship, the Problem of Evil and Suffering

    Talk Titles: Cultivating Lasting Faith in Our Homes, How to Disagree Without Becoming Enemies, Confronting Hypocrisy in the Church, The Centrality of Imagination, What is Cultural Apologetics?, Owning Evil: Recognizing Our Part in the Problem of Evil, Leading a Transformed Life, Bridging the Gap Between Discipleship and Apologetics

  • Nathan Rittenhouse

    Topics: Faith and Science, Biblical interpretation, Applied theology, Church life and health

    Talk Titles: Union with Christ, Concepts of Christianity and Cultural Engagement, Is Climate Justice Possible?, Ethical Implications of the Resurrection, Can Faith and Science Coexist?, Is Tolerance the Best We Can Do?

  • Stuart McAllister

    Topics: Lordship and Service, The Nature and call of Mission, Seeking truth in a relativistic era, Wisdom to walk by, Beauty and the call of desire. Lessons on life from History.

    Talk Titles : Whose Freedom? Which Liberty? , Why Jesus? , The cost of Discipleship. Understanding as an essential bridge in communication. Seeking the meaning of Biblical love.